Retro Space

Official SurfScape Discord server partner.

A photo of earth with the sun rising behind, with Y2K style letters saying RS as an acronym for Retro Space.

Retro Space is an official SurfScape partner Discord server. It's our second place of communication for updates and announcements and also a place to gather the community together.

The only requirement to join is to follow our guidelines/rules. When you're ready, join the server from the widget below, happy chatting!


  1. Be kind to others - Be respectful to everyone, we don't allow swearing, racism, or other type of degenerate language.
  2. No spamming - We are strict with spamming, from text, GIFs, stickers, or links. The maximum limit is 5 and if you max that limit you get muted for 10 minutes, and if suffer 3 violations, you get kicked.
  3. No NSFW - We do not allow NSFW content in any way (with/out CW). This applies from general sexual content (porn, art), to more degenerate content like gore. However, you can contact the moderation team if the content is not that explicit and you are the owner of that content.
  4. Promotions/Advertising - We like to have a free, sharing, community, but you need to verify to promote your content (this only includes Discord servers or social media, art is fine as long as it is posted in the art channel). If you'd like to get permission to promote, contact our moderation team.


If the widget does not load, or you currently have scripts blocked, below is a direct invite link.

Join the Server